Results: 4136 user(s) and 2101 document(s)
Jiří Šimek
Audit Partner, Head of Valuation Institute - Prague, Czech Republic
Magdalena Święcka
Senior Manager, Optimization & Innovation Dept - Warsaw, Poland
Zuzana Čmelíková
Leadership & Resilience Development Professional - Bratislava, Slovakia
Rose-Marie Östberg
Partner, Authorised Public Accountant - Helsingborg, Sweden
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Update of the 2010/2011 Annual Report
Following the Group’s annual Partners Conference, held in London last December, international audit and advisory group Mazars is presenting an update of the seventh edition of its annual report.
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First Media Barometer, Flexibility and Innovation: resilience in the European media Sector
Although many media group executives expected a year of economic recovery and the end of the downturn, the sovereign debt crisis put an end to these hopes. The downgrading of the U.S. credit rating, the Fukushima catastrophe, austerity measures and an unstable geopolitical environment have only intensified uncertainty in the financial markets.
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Strategic Planning Committee for SMEs calls for creation of “The Entrepreneurs’ Exchange”
Chaired by Fabrice Demarigny, Head of Capital Market Activities at Mazars Group, The Strategic Planning Committee for SMEs published the July, 3rd, its draft report on facilitating SME access to capital markets.
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2012/2013 : Cross-Seasons France-South Africa
The goal of these Seasons is to improve mutual understanding and contribute to the diversification of France's image in South Africa and South Africa's image in France by emphasizing the modernity and values that the two countries share.
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Mazars appoints Jonathan McMahon, formerly the Central Bank of Ireland’s Head of Financial Institutions
Mazars appoints Jonathan McMahon, formerly the Central Bank of Ireland’s Head of Financial Institutions, to lead its Regulatory Advisory and Bank restructuring team.
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Beyond the GAAP no.55 - April 2012
Financial instruments were in the spotlight in April! The two Boards continued their progress on the proposed “expected loss” impairment model for financial assets (Phase II of IFRS 9/Impairment), and in particular clarified how the expected loss estimate should be determined. The Boards also reached an agreement on the definition of a business model which would permit measuring financial assets at amortised cost, and on bifurcation of embedded derivatives (Reopening of Phase I of IFRS 9/ Classification and measurement).
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Beyond the GAAP no.54 (English) - March 2012
At the end of March, the IASB updated its work plan, once again postponing the publication of documents relating to the joint projects on Financial Instruments and Leases. In the case of Financial Instruments, publication of the Review Draft on hedge accounting and the Discussion Paper (or exposure draft, depending on the IASB’s final decision) on macro-hedging have been put back to the second quarter and second half of 2012, respectively.
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Denise K. Fletcher, independent member of Mazars’ Supervisory Board, is now part of the Council on Foreign Relations
Denise K. Fletcher, independent member of Mazars’ Supervisory Board since December 2011, is an operating and finance executive who has been a leader at public and private global companies.
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Beyond the GAAP no.53 (English) - February 2012
At the time of writing this editorial, the IASB Update – the official publication reporting on Board meetings – had not yet been published, as the IASB’s last meeting spanned the end of February and the beginning of March. As a result, it is difficult for us to report on the Board’s provisional decisions, given that the subjects discussed were particularly complex and open to interpretation.
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Mazars won the IAB Award in the category “Audit innovation of the year”
The inaugural International Accounting Bulletin Awards, which were held on March 8th, 2012 in London, recognised and rewarded the leading accounting firms, networks and alliances across the world, judged by an independent panel of high level accounting experts. Mazars is proud to have won the “Audit innovation of the Year” award, for its “Human Rights Audit” practice.
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Mazars sponsors the ecoDa annual conference, on March 27, 2012, in Brussels
Mazars will be the main sponsor of a conference about "Comply or Explain – Preserving Governance Flexibility with Quality Explanations", organized in Brussels on March 27, 2012, by ecoDa, the European Confederation of Directors' Associations.
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Beyond the GAAP no.52 (English) - January 2012
It is already clear that 2012 will be a crucial year for the IASB. During the course of this year, the final texts of the joint projects on financial instruments, revenue recognition, leases and insurance contracts should all be published. Much is thus expected of the IASB.
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Irish Stock Exchange and Malta Stock Exchange launch the European Wholesale Securities Market
EWSM has a Board of three non-executive directors. Padraic O’Connor, the Chairman of the ISE, will act as Chairman of the new entity. He is joined on the Board of EWSM by Michael C. Bonnello, the former Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, and Fabrice Demarigny, Partner of Mazars, who previously was Secretary General of the Committee of European Securities Regulators, the predecessor of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
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NYSE Euronext names members of its Strategic Planning Committee for SMEs
Following the announcement in November 2011 of its commitment to stepping up efforts to serve SMEs, NYSE Euronext (NYX) today announced the immediate launch of its Strategic Planning Committee and named the new Committee’s members.
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The international real estate team of Mazars and Marccus Partners will be present at the MIPIM 2012, Premier Global Real Estate Summit, in Cannes.
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Beyond the GAAP no.51 (English) - December 2011
The year just ended should have seen the publication of the final standards for the joint projects on financial instruments, revenue recognition, leases and insurance contracts. None of them have appeared! The second exposure draft on revenue recognition has only just been published, while redeliberations are continuing on leases, financial instruments and insurance contracts. The delay is due to the magnitude of the task and the criticisms which greeted some of the IASB’s initial proposals. Over the course of the year, the IASB has repeatedly revised its work plan and deferred the publication date of the new standards, which are now expected in 2012. It remains to be seen whether this new target is achievable!
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Mazars publishes its seventh annual report and announces a change in its governance
Mazars, an international corporate audit and consulting firm, recorded 8.2% growth in the 2010/2011 financial year ending 31 August 2011.
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Comparative study of tax incentive systems and the location of television and film production
The Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée has carried out a comparative study of the performance of tax incentive systems within the film and television production sectors in Europe and Canada. This study analyses in detail the workings of these systems in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, Hungary and the United Kingdom. These measures have been studied by comparison with the French system. The work has been carried out by two institutions. Hamac Conseils has undertaken the sections on Belgium, Luxembourg and Canada. The comparative analysis of the measures in Ireland, Britain, Germany and Hungary has been led by the Mazars office.