Our contributions to public consultations

In delivering constructive audit and assurance work, we promote transparency, share insights, and build confidence in corporate reporting. This is why, as part of our responsibility to serve the public interest, we regularly contribute to the public debate on some of today’s most important socioeconomic issues facing business, government, and society; this as an integral part of our mission as auditors.

Financial audit

Financial audit is the cornerstone to the whole audit ecosystem. Around the world, the biggest entities are mandated to account for their financial performance and fill the information gap with their stakeholders through audit reports. To address new expectations and requirements, as well as to adapt to the development of new audit technology and practices, the financial audit regulatory landscape keeps moving at national and international levels. Key Forvis Mazars contributions to public consultations on financial audit include:

For Forvis Mazars contributions and comments on the IFRS, please click here.

ESG audit

As a new field of audit, sustainability reporting regulations are being established in the EU and beyond. Forvis Mazars actively contributes to the conversations on the future of audit and the need to adapt audit regulations, standards and frameworks to new ESG expectations. Key Forvis Mazars contributions to public consultations on ESG audit include:

Response to the Exposure Draft of the proposed ISSA 5000 (December 2023)

Response to the public consultation on the first set of Draft ESRS (August 2022)

Algorithm audit

Around the world, regulatory initiatives to assess the impact of algorithmic decision-making systems and mitigate related risks are being developed quickly. As an initial attempt, the EU took the lead and requires the biggest digital players to account for the societal risks they pose to citizens, and these obligations will have to be audited. Other jurisdictions are considering similar frameworks and wish to extend them to the tricky question of the safe and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). Key Forvis Mazars contributions to public consultations on algorithm audit include:


Clémence Valleteau
Clémence Valleteau Global Head of Public Affairs - Paris, France

Detailed profile