Results: 4135 user(s) and 2102 document(s)

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Mazars : Proud Signee of the UN Free and Equal Campaign

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Mazars has joined the UN Free and Equal Campaign. This United Nations’ global campaign is aimed to protect LBGTI members in the workplace against homophobia and transphobia. At Mazars, one of our core values is diversity & respect, therefore this message resonates directly with us. We are happy to have a work environment that is inclusive for all and we make sure to uphold this wherever in the world we are present.

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2019 Mazars Global Water Risk Survey – Chile

In 2018, Mazars conducted, with the support of YouGov, a global survey of c-level executives across all industries. This year, to celebrate the World Water Day, we decided to assess the impact on business by surveying more than 265 C-level, or equivalent, executives in Chile across more than 20 sectors. The survey is based on the same methodology used in our 2018 Global Water Risk Survey covering France, the UK, China, Spain, and Germany with the support of YouGov.

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Our IFRS 17 experts

A global multi-disciplinary team with local presence to support your IFRS 17 project.

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Our insurance experts understand both the organisational and the technical issues around IFRS 17 and will bring agility, pragmatism and anticipation to create value in your transformation project.

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Port Harcourt

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Digital finance: Mazars is a founding member of a FinTech Chair

In order to contribute to the emergence of an ecosystem combining research, teaching, development and entrepreneurial skills, Mazars has joined with the Paris Dauphine University and Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank to launch a Fintech chair devoted to digital finance.

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Internationalisation - the next challenge for FinTechs?

As a founder member of the FinTech chair launched by Paris Dauphine University, Mazars is proud to take part in the first conference of the programme organised in Paris on 15 March as part of the House of Finance Days 2019.

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IORP II and the top 10 considerations

IORP II is the name given to EU Directive 2016/2341. This directive is aimed at the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provisions (IORPs). It prescribes new requirements on, among others, the provision of information on pension benefit statements, the introduction of ‘key functions’, and the performance and documentation of risk management activities, while considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. The directive applies to all IORPs based in the EU and came into force on 13 January 2019. With regards to the approaching date of Brexit, UK IORPs must comply with the requirements set out in this directive until the UK exits the EU. The UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has confirmed that it will honour this obligation.

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To give you greater confidence in your business and the decisions you're taking, Forvis Mazars has developed Optimize: our proprietary business diagnostics and benchmarking platform.

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Beyond the GAAP no.129 – January 2019

With annual report season in full swing, this issue of Beyond the GAAP is a slightly quicker read than last month’s issue. However, it does contain some particularly significant news, notably a number of interesting agenda decisions published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee.

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Our global team

Our global team of Privately Owned Business experts understand your business and the specific considerations in local markets in addition to having a global reach and outlook

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Financial advisory services

Whether you’re looking to raise capital, improve efficiencies or sell your business – our experts have you covered

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Business management services

From developing an impactful strategy to taking advantage of the right technology for your business. Running a business comes with many demands, big and small, and requires focus and attention on many different areas

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Compliance services

Whether it's finding solutions to challenges, helping with back office work, or chatting about how legislative changes will affect you – our goal is to let you rest easy and focus on your core business

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Bancassurance in Europe - benchmark study

While bancassurance is a booming business, proper supervision of the holding entity and its subsidiaries is required in order to be well managed. It is fundamental to grant effective disclosure of key information between the banking and insurance counterparties and to harness synergies between the two. Leveraging from our strong position and expertise in the European financial services advisory market, Mazars was able to survey the bancassurance industry.

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Benchmark on key audit matters 2018

“The purpose of communicating key audit matters is to enhance the communicative value of the auditor’s audit report by providing greater transparency about the audit that was performed.” To provide “additional information to Intended users of the financial statements, to assist them in understanding those matters, that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit.”*

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Group Transparency report 2017/2018

We are pleased to introduce our 2017/2018 Mazars Group Transparency Report. Mazars is an international, integrated and independent firm - unique in its industry - specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services. Expanding every year, Mazars now operates, as of 1st January 2019, in 89 countries and territories and draws on the expertise of 23,000 professionals to assist major international groups, SMEs, private investors and public bodies at every stage of their development.

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Meet our Real Estate Experts at MIPIM 2019

Once again Mazars will have a high profile presence at MIPIM, the world’s largest real estate exhibition and conference taking place on 12-15 March 2019 in Cannes, France.

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Mazars announces 2018 Financial Results

The company’s 2018 Yearbook highlights a year of global growth and expansion and offers a vision for securing sustainable growth in a complex, fast-paced world

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Mazars’ Global Generation Z study

Based on the success of our 2013 global study, Mazars conducted at the end of 2018 an internal worldwide survey among the so called ‘GenZ’ to get to know them better, instead of relying on general assumptions portrayed in the wider media.