Digital finance: Mazars is a founding member of a FinTech Chair

In order to contribute to the emergence of an ecosystem combining research, teaching, development and entrepreneurial skills, Mazars has joined with the Paris Dauphine University and Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank to launch a Fintech chair devoted to digital finance.

Among the many questions raised by the emergence of FinTechs, and in line with the digitalisation of finance, the chair will focus on four main areas:

  • The business model of digital finance, with the role of platforms and ecosystem centred on finance. The contribution of blockchain and crypto-currencies will form an integral part of this aspect.
  • Regulation, ethics and cybersecurity
  • Corporate finance: new market places (e.g. crowdfunding) and new forms of financing (e.g. ICO or tokens)
  • The sustainability of digital finance and the ethical questions it poses

Key activities 

Through a series of articles and conferences planned in several countries, the chair and its partners will bring together globally-recognised academic specialists and professionals to discuss the theme of digital finance. 

In parallel, the chair will roll out its “research and teaching” component through the creation of digital finance courses within masters programmes and by funding a doctoral programme at the Paris Dauphine University.
The chair will benefit from the university’s international academic network and will work in tandem with respected players in the FinTech ecosystem in order to promote research through worldwide calls for projects and an annual award for the best paper.

Finally, to promote entrepreneurship, the chair will also support key FinTech events such as the Paris Blockchain week and encourage the operational deployment of innovative projects.

A pool of high-level specialists (researchers, scientific advisers, doctoral students, etc.) will contribute to develop these aspects and study the impact of FinTechs and Digital finance on the Financial Services Industry. Players from the FinTech environment will be invited to attend the chair’s various activities in order to contribute to discussions, share their expertise and play a part in the various projects.

For more information on the programme, click here.

Emmanuel Dooseman
Emmanuel Dooseman Partner, Global Head of Banking - New York, United States

Detailed profile