Results: 4133 user(s) and 2102 document(s)

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Unlocking global markets with robust regulatory roadmaps

Approaching the diverse regulatory challenges of international expansion

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Navigating regulatory complexity

Meeting the compliance challenges of an increasingly complex business world

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Offering professional opportunities to fresh graduates across South Africa

The Data School was created as a solution to a two-fold problem: high youth unemployment and a lack of individuals with the necessary skills to fill roles in the IT and audit service industries. Its objective is to equip young adults with the skills needed to become IT auditors at our firm or beyond.

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Facilitating the reintegration of abused and disabled women into Spanish society

Committed to our values of diversity equity and inclusion, our teams in Spain were called upon to lead ‘Café Violeta’, a project dedicated to empowering victims of gender-based violence and harassment through employment and entrepreneurship.

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Supporting children through their academic journey in Nigeria

In line with our mission to make a tangible and lasting difference to children’s lives, our partnership with Streetkid Africa in Nigeria goes beyond financial sponsorship to support children as they progress throughout their academic journey.

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Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - May 2024

May witnessed the repercussions of attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, resulting in regular electricity cuts to optimize resources. Additionally, the month marked the signing of the framework agreement for the implementation of the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility, paving the way for its ratification by the Ukrainian Parliament.

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Combatting maternal and infant mortality rates in Nigeria

Maternal infant and mortality rates in Nigeria are among the highest in the world, exacerbated by poverty and limited access to care. Confronted by these devastating circumstances, we worked with Airen Foundation to provide support and address the systemic issues perpetuating these challenges.

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Protecting the rights of children in the Philippines

Too often children’s rights are taken advantage of the consequences of this are grave. Working to prevent and respond to violence against children, we have committed to a long-term partnership with Bahay Tuluyan to empower children and prevent the cycle of violence.

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Helping children in vulnerable communities across France realise their full potential

Every child should be afforded the opportunity to reach their full potential, and that’s exactly what ‘Ma Chance Moi Aussi’ sets out to achieve. This association helps young people in France secure educational trajectories and effectively integrate into society.

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European banks report stability and reduced risk emerging after previous turbulence

Forvis Mazars Group, the international audit, tax and advisory services partnership, releases the eighth edition of its Financial reporting of European banks study. The report highlights the latest figures from expected credit loss (‘ECL’) levels based on 2023 annual reports, which show stability and less perceived risk when compared to previous years.

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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°40 - May 2024

This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.

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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°39 - April 2024

This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.

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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°38 - March 2024

This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.

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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°37 - February 2024

This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Does the perceived reduction in risk amongst European banks hint at early signs of optimism for the sector? Throughout 2023, we observed a global economic slowdown, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and the rapid rise of new technologies. As we analyse the year-end results of the 26 largest banks in Europe, what do these figures reveal about expected credit losses and how these institutions manage persistent uncertainties in the banking landscape?

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Growing and expanding internationally: a strategic approach to globalisation

Key themes shaping sustainable strategies across new horizons.

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Private equity

Providing deep experience and advice to help private equity firms and their portfolio companies maximise value through the investment lifecycle

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Kota Kinabalu

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Growing Global

Even in uncertain times, businesses are looking to grow their operations and open new markets abroad. Growing Global explores how companies can best understand, meet, and overcome the many challenges they face when it comes to global expansion.

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Forvis Mazars shakes up professional services industry with its new $5 billion global network

3 June 2024 – Two leading professional services firms, Mazars, an international partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories, and FORVIS, a top ranked firm in the United States, today mark the official launch of their new global network, Forvis Mazars.

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Webinar: New reporting requirements on ESG information

[June 2024] In the second webinar of a two-part webinar series, Forvis Mazars and ecoDa join together on 6 June 2024 to take a look at the impacts for auditor selection in light of the new reporting requirements on ESG information.

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Webinar: New reporting requirements on digital issues

[June 2024] In the first of a two-part webinar series, Forvis Mazars and ecoDa join together on 5 June 2024 to take a look at the impacts for auditor selection in light of the new reporting requirements on digital issues.

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Temporary test page - Kaliop

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Public policy insights

We invite you to read through our latest insights as we explore the changing and complex regulatory landscape in the EU and beyond.