Facilitating the reintegration of abused and disabled women into Spanish society

Committed to our values of diversity equity and inclusion, our teams in Spain were called upon to lead ‘Café Violeta’, a project dedicated to empowering victims of gender-based violence and harassment through employment and entrepreneurship.
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In Spain, our teams collaborated with the NGOs Fundación ONCE and Inserta in 2022[1] to foster job creation by promoting the reintegration of abused and disabled women into society. Forvis Mazars in Spain was selected by both NGOs to lead this project, now known as ‘Café Violeta’.

The purpose of this initiative is to empower women with disabilities who have been victims of gender-based violence and harassment through employment and entrepreneurship. Five partners based in Spain have engaged in monthly one-on-one mentoring sessions, as well as employment and business creation and management workshops to help these women throughout their recovery process. This individualised support has helped them to acquire new skills and regain confidence in themselves to re-enter the labour market and become financially independent.



[1] Please note this video was created in 2022 while we were still operating under the brand name ‘Mazars’.