Surveys and studies

You will find here Mazars surveys and studies.

Media barometer: Second Edition

Global Transition in the Age of Digital Media is the second edition of our annual barometer in the Media industry. It offers a good snapshot of where the industry was, where it is now, and where it’s going. This year, we have extended our analysis to the 100 largest U.S. and European listed media companies and complemented our results with a review of their risk factors.

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The Good Bank - Global Report 2013

For the last six months, Mazars has taken part in a global conversation led by The Economist Group which brought together experts to ask the critical question: “What does it take to be a Good Bank?”

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Mazars’ Dispute Resolution Survey 2013

This fourth edition of our annual survey on litigation and arbitration trends in the UK reflects the insight and opinions of some of the country’s top litigators and arbitrators around the world.

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Understanding financial risk: practices and trends

While the ability to manage financial risk enables a company to limit the occurrence and exposure of financial risks on performance, it also presents companies with some major challenges according to a recent study by Mazars.

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Investing in the UK?

Mazars is pleased to be a contributor to the ‘Investors’ Guide to the United Kingdom’.

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Digital publishing survey

The future of the digital landscape - the results of Mazars 2012 digital publishing survey

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M&A in fast growing countries: Traps and structuring opportunities

A study encompassing the BRICS and next 10 emerging or emerged countries. In an era of worldwide competition and integrated markets, external growth is a major strategic response of many companies to a shifting and complex competitive environment.

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Mining companies committed to UN Human Rights principles, new survey reveals

New research conducted by Mazars indicates that listed mining and resources companies around the world are keen to comply with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

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In today’s global business environment, insurance executives, particularly Finance leaders, face continuous pressure to drive business results, deliver increasingly complex financial reports and comply with new and ever-changing regulatory requirements.

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