Surveys and studies

You will find here Mazars surveys and studies.

Integrated Reporting in Insurance : how far have we come ?

This new study, prepared by Mazars with inputs from <IR> Insurance Network participants, aims at identifying the differences between financial reports, management reports and Integrated reports and then to present the industry best practices in terms of reporting and communication.

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2015 edition: key points of the financial communication of insurance groups in Europe

Over the years, financial communication has become an essential element in promoting the activities of large groups, especially for insurers, with their particular business model.

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Financial Reporting by listed Real Estate Companies in Europe in 2014

Our Real Estate experts have analysed the financial reporting of a sample of listed European real estate companies in 2014. For this fifth edition of the survey, we have paid particular attention to real estate companies ‘positioning and their use of key performance indicators. We also analysed their reporting on their asset portfolios and financing strategies.

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Aerospace executives surveyed on M&A and corporate strategy

Roever Broenner Susat Mazars in collaboration with IPM (The Institute for Production Management) is pleased to present the 2015 Aerospace Executive Survey focusing on Mergers & Acquisitions. Based on input gathered from industry experts involved in M&A, the survey highlights the aerospace industry’s current and future expectations in terms of transactions for suppliers and their driving forces.

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Global M&A trends – Midcaps

This report contains valuable insights into the attitudes and behaviours of mid-cap companies and their strategies for international – and domestic – growth.

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<IR> Business Case : value creation in the insurance and reinsurance industry

As part of the Integrated Reporting <IR> Insurance Network, Mazars has been fully involved in building the business case for the Insurance sector.

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Post-crisis derivatives valuation act III : Funding valuation adjustment

In light of the teachings of the financial crisis, banks have considerably reviewed the way derivatives are valued. Institutions are currently developing methodologies that consider all the costs and risks related to derivatives activity.

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Shareholder Foundations Study

Mazars supports the first European Study on Shareholder Foundations, produced by Prophil* with the help of ESSEC Philanthropy Chair and Delsol Avocats.

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Report on Human Rights and Business

The road from principles to practice: Today’s challenges for business in respecting human rights is a global report by The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Mazars and a group of organisations including multinational companies, a law firm, governments , NGOs and business groups.

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