Mazars is hosting IIF training program on IFRS9
This one-day training is open to professionals in both financial and nonfinancial firms. This course highlights both insights and expertise from key industry practitioners.
Implementation of the new IFRS 9 standard, which will go into effect on 1 January 2018 with early application permitted, will require firms to strategically plan.
In this course, we will examine the practical implications for firms as they adopt the new impairment rule. Among the topics to be reviewed are: linkages and interdependencies between risk and finance functions; risk processes and the ECL calculation and implementation; approaches to the impairment calculation; and strategic considerations for the future and next steps to take.
Expert practical discussions, with a clear emphasis on industry practitioners, will provide an interactive and unique learning and networking experience.
Vincent Guillard, Partner in charge of financial instruments related issues within the Financial Reporting Technical Support Department of Mazars will be speaking about risk and finance working together.
Please join us in London to take advantage of this unique training opportunity.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Mazars LLP
London, United Kingdom
Registrations are now opened!
Click here to register. You will receive additional details once registered.