Results: 4136 user(s) and 2101 document(s)

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Comment letters to the IASB, the IFRS Interpretations Committee and other standard setting or regulatory bodies

Discover Forvis Mazars’ comment letters on key proposals from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the IFRS Interpretations Committee and other standard setting or regulatory bodies.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 29 (English) - December 2009

This is the no. 29 issue of Mazars's newsletter on technical support in English.

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Mazars publishes its annual report 2008-2009 - The international audit and advisory service group grows by 6.4%

Mazars, international audit and advisory service group, has reported a 6.4% growth in turnover, at a constant exchange rate, for the financial year ending 31st August 2009.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 28 (English) - November 2009

This is the no. 28 issue of Mazars's newsletter on technical support in English.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 27 (English) - October 2009

This is the no. 27 issue of Mazars's newsletter on technical support in English.

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Beyond the GAAP / Special Issue (English) - September 2009

This is the Special Issue: Impact of the application of new standards for listed companies as of 30 June 2009 on technical (in English).

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Beyond the GAAP no. 26 (English) - September 2009

This is the no. 26 issue of Mazars's newsletter on technical support in English.

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Amman Goshih Street

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Port Louis

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Korea, The Republic of

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Mazars continues its international development with recent expansions in Belgium, Canada and France.

Having expanded its presence in South Africa, Brazil, Vietnam and openened offices in Thailand, Botswana, Indonesia, Malaysia and Malta in 2007-2008, Mazars is continuing its geographical development policy by growing its services in Belgium, Canada and France.

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The essential features of the new standards in 40 questions/answers.

Mazars is publishing a technical guide on the changes to IFRS3 and IAS 27. Under pressure from investors, a few years ago the FASB (i.e. the American accountancy regulator) and the IASB began an effort to harmonise the two accounting codes.

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Dubai - Oud Metha

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The challenges of the changeover to IFRS for over 550 listed companies in 12 European countries

The challenges of the changeover to IFRS for over 550 listed companies in 12 European countries. The year 2005 marks a new stage in the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the countries of the European Union. At a time when companies affected by the change are beginning to issue their first financial statements under IFRS, we can state without doubt that the parties involved are, overall, moving forward as we would expect them to.

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Mazars survey : Banks' financial disclosures during the financial crisis

Mazars has analysed the annual reports, as of 31 December 2008, of fourteen credit institutions, two American and twelve European.

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Related party disclosures as of December 31st, 2007: a survey of the Eurostoxx 50 companies

The preparation of financial statements under IFRS has led a number of groups to raise questions about the issues of the related party concept and the required disclosures. The answers are in IAS 24 - Related party disclosures.

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Surveys and studies

You will find here Mazars surveys and studies.

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