Results: 4136 user(s) and 2101 document(s)

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Beyond the GAAP no.68 - June 2013

After the May publication of the 2nd leases exposure draft, another long-term project now sees re-publication: on 20 June the IASB and the FASB published their new proposals for insurance contracts. It looks likely to be a busy summer for commentators!

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10th Annual European Capture & Automation Finance Symposium

Mazars will release the 5th Financial Process Automation Barometer during a European Symposium that will take place on the 24th of September in Paris.

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Beyond the GAAP no.67 - May 2013

When in August 2010, the IASB and the FASB published a joint exposure draft on leases, they could have had no idea that they would have to re-expose their proposals three years later. This, however, is what they were forced to do on 16 May 2013, so generally hostile were responses to the initial draft, so complicated the redeliberations and so changeable the positions.

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Beyond the GAAP Special Issue - May 2013

This Special Issue deals with the impact of the IFRS 7 amendment on disclosures of transfers of financial assets on financial statements at 31 December 2012.

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Mazars sponsor of Insurance Europe's 5th International Conference - Rome, 13th June 2013

The 5th International Insurance Conference, organised by Insurance Europe, will focus on the insurance industry's role in the global economy and how to safeguard it.

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Beyond the GAAP no.66 - April 2013

At a time when the American organisations are appointing new leaders to both the FASB and the SEC, the IASB is continuing its work, and expects to see an exceptional number of publications in 2013. Key documents such as the second exposure draft on leases, or the exposure draft on insurance contracts, are due for publication before the end of June. The final standards on revenue recognition and hedge accounting should follow soon after.

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Global mobility alert April 2013

Welcome to the first Mazars Global Mobility Alert. Although in many parts of the world we are still facing the impact of a financial and economic crisis companies are not yet cutting back on the number of employees they send on international assignments. Simply because they realise, if they want to survive in the increasingly international marketplace, they have to ensure mobility is part of their global business strategy.

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Global mobility alert Newsletter

The aim of these alerts is to provide you with insights into changes in legislation and regulations that affect international employee mobility.

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Mazars is partnering with the ALM conference in Morocco

The International University of Rabat and BEST FINANCE are organizing together, with the support of ENSAE, AFGAP and Mazars, a conference on banking and insurance ALM on 30-31 May 2013 in Casablanca.

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Mazars publishes its eighth annual report. The international audit and consulting group recorded 6% growth

Meeting at the Annual Conference in Paris, the Group’s partners welcomed 79 new partners, including the Greek firm RPS’s partners which strengthen the presence of the Group in Europe.

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Beyond the GAAP no.65 - March 2013

The first quarter of 2013 is coming to a quiet close – and there is even a gleam of hope in sight! At the end of its March meeting, the IASB finally decided to remove the proposed interpretation on puts on non-controlling interests from its work plan, and to review the controversial elements of IAS 32 with a view to a potential amendment.

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Mazars Forensic and Investigation Services (Mazars FIS) has launched its experts blog

This blog gathers all analysis, opinions, examples in the various fields of expertise of Mazars Fis experts but also any other information that Mazars experts on 5 continents would find appropriate to share related to financial expert witness and fraud related information

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The European de-stress test

"Fearing a repeat of turbulence in financial markets, indeed a collapse in the financial system, since 2008 policymakers have sought to eliminate doubts about the solvency of individual banks through capital injections or other guarantees."

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WeiserMazars' Stephen Brecher talks with about The Good Bank Initiative

WeiserMazars' Stephen Brecher recently talked with about the origins of The Good Bank, the five month program that will stimulate a global debate around what makes a socially engaged bank a good enterprise.

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Beyond the GAAP no.64 - February 2013

Two years and eight months elapsed between the publication of the first exposure draft on revenue recognition in June 2010 and the Boards’ final redeliberations on the major themes of the project.

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Mazars sponsors The Economist initiative « The Good Bank »

The Good Bank initiative, devised by The Economist Group, is an integrated programme (a six-month long conversation) which aims to develop a model for a sustainable, trustworthy and effective bank.

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Beyond the GAAP no.63 - January 2013

As we move into the New Year, many of us are wondering what will be the outcome of the debate over the correct accounting treatment of puts on no controlling interests.

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Mazars supports the launch of Marianne Abib-Pech’s book “The Financial Times Guide to Leadership”

There’s no single answer to the leadership conundrum. So this book doesn’t promise one. Instead, it articulates what it means to be a good leader into skills and responsibilities that can be learnt.

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EBA recommends major EU cross-border banking groups to develop recovery plans by end of 2013

In its most recent publication ‘Recommendation on the development of recovery plans’ published on on 23 January 2013, the European Banking Authority (EBA) recommends major EU cross-border banking groups to develop recovery plans by the end of 2013.

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Live Panel Debate

As sponsor of the Good Bank programme, Mazars took part to the live conference taking place in London on 4 June 2013.

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Investing in the UK?

Mazars is pleased to be a contributor to the ‘Investors’ Guide to the United Kingdom’.

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