Results: 4135 user(s) and 2102 document(s)

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Beyond the GAAP no.105 - November 2016

The adoption of IFRS 9 by the European Union marks the end of the work carried out by EFRAG under the leadership of Françoise Flores, coincidentally falling at the same time as her appointment as a member of the IASB. This appointment will maintain a French presence on the Board, following the end of Philippe Danjou’s term last October.

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The financial reporting of listed real estate companies in Europe – 2016 edition

2015 remains a very good year in terms of financial performance for listed real estate companies in Europe, which have benefited amply from the low rate context to reduce the cost of their borrowings.

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Mazars - Ethics in Luxury Study

In response to a world shaken by increasing global economic volatility, the luxury industry is starting to focus on sustainability and ethics. Respect for the environment, recycling materials and innovating new ones, integrity throughout the value chain, collaborative and digital economy, and social entrepreneurship are among the strategic priorities for luxury companies.

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Mazars Sponsored ICGN London, Dec 2016

Mazars is proud to have supported the joint International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) conference, ‘Dialogue for longer-term value creation: Bridging the gap between participants in the capital markets’, on 6-7 December 2016.

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Urbanity by Mazars

Present today in nearly 300 cities all over the world, Mazars believes in creating shared value, or in the interdependency between businesses and the communities to which they are connected. Cities are where we build our entrepreneurial adventure, where we recruit and train talent, where we connect with our stakeholders, and where we create value for our clients.

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The use of APM in financial information: current practice of European listed entities

Mazars updated its previous study with the practice at 31 December 2016 of European companies on the use of alternative performance measures. Its previous study, as at 31 December 2015 and 30 June 2016, was the first such international study after the entry into force of ESMA’s Guidelines on alternative performance measures.

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Beyond the GAAP no.104 - October 2016

Improving the effectiveness of financial reporting is one of the IASB’s key focal areas for the coming years. Four projects fall under the theme of “Better communication”, including the Disclosure Initiative and a research project on the format of primary financial statements.

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Webcast: Revenue Recognition Changes for the Asset Management Industry

This webcast will discuss the new revenue recognition standard, which will soon replace all existing U.S. GAAP revenue related regulations, and its effects on the Asset Management industry. Take full advantage of this opportunity to hear from experts at WeiserMazars LLP as they discuss the nuances of this new standard and what this will mean for your business.

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Project Inspire Announces Top 10 Finalists

Mazars is a proud Supporting Partner of Project Inspire. Find out who made the top 10 and who might win our Financial Inclusion award.

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Mazars to sponsor the European Captive Forum 2016

Mazars is delighted to be joining industry leaders at the largest captive event in the world, the European Captive Forum, taking place on 8-9 November 2016 in Luxembourg.

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Mazars sponsor of the European Small and Mid-Cap Awards 2016

The Awards' 4th edition was organised by FESE and the European Issuers on 17 November 2016 in Brussels and was sponsored by Mazars alongside Nasdaq and Symex Global.

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Mazars CEE Business Forum 2016

The “Mazars CEE Business Forum”, dedicated to the current situation in BPO and SSC sector in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6th and 7th October 2016 in Warsaw. The main conclusion is: the situation in the industry is good and it will only get better.

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Pathways to success for Chinese companies expanding overseas

If early indications are anything to go by, then 2016 is set to be another record year for China’s outbound foreign direct investments (FDI) with $100bn of announced M&A transactions worldwide in the first three months of the year.

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Beyond the GAAP no.103 - September 2016

The IASB’s update to its work plan on 23 September 2016 gives us a good idea of what is on the cards for IFRS over the next few months. In addition to the Insurance Contracts standard, which is scheduled for publication in March, and the Conceptual Framework (date not yet set), the next key milestones relate to research projects. Discussion Papers have been announced on business combinations under common control, dynamic risk management, financial instruments with characteristics of equity, and rate-regulated activities.

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Beyond the GAAP no.102 - July-August 2016

The IASB’s major projects are drawing towards their conclusion. Since 2014, the IASB has published standards on revenue, financial instruments and leases, and it is expected to complete the Insurance Contracts project and the Conceptual Framework by the end of 2017.

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Mazars International Tax Conference 2016 (Mandarin)

2016 玛泽国际税务峰会 玛泽会计师事务所与伦敦国王学院将共同荣誉承办2016玛泽国际税务峰会,就税基侵蚀和利润转移(BEPS)后时代,以及国际货币基金组织,欧盟,经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)和联合国将如何影响国际税收政策的发展进行探讨。

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Mazars International Tax Conference 2016

Mazars, in collaboration with King’s College London, were pleased to hold a conference exploring “life after BEPS” and how the International Monetary Fund, European Union, OECD and UN were shaping the future of international tax policy.

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The Digital Finance seminar in New York

Join us on October 6 for our WeiserMazars financial services symposium to learn more about the revolution of digital finance and the importance of cybersecurity and their impact in the industry.

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G20 China 2016. Our message to Business Leaders

Mazars is pleased to announce the release of the 2016 edition of the official publication of the G20 research Group. G20 China: The Hangzhou Summit serves as an authoritative forum for debate on the issues at the top of the G20 agenda and the challenges facing governments and the global business community; featuring exclusive articles written by the G20 leaders and high-profile figures from government, business, NGOs and international organisations.

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The financial communication of insurance groups: focus on Solvency II

Over the years, financial communication has become an essential aspect of promoting the activities of large insurance groups. The exercise has particular salience this year with the arrival of the European Solvency II Directive, introducing far-reaching changes in the matter of capital requirements and risk management. Against this background, we have taken a closer look at the information available on Solvency II, the major issue in financial communication in 2015.