Results: 4135 user(s) and 2102 document(s)
Jiří Šimek
Audit Partner, Head of Valuation Institute - Prague, Czech Republic
Magdalena Święcka
Senior Manager, Optimization & Innovation Dept - Warsaw, Poland
Zuzana Čmelíková
Leadership & Resilience Development Professional - Bratislava, Slovakia
Rose-Marie Östberg
Partner, Authorised Public Accountant - Helsingborg, Sweden
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Beyond the GAAP no.122 - May 2018
Target: the half-year accounts! With the disclosures required by the two standards that came into force on 1 January 2018 and the full list of applicable texts, three ‘A Closer look’ studies will support you in their preparation.
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Africa Banking Forum 2018
Mazars is proud to be the Scientific Partner of the 10th edition of the Africa Banking Forum (ABF) to be held on June 28th and 29th, 2018 in Douala and discuss recent topics regarding the banking services on the continent.
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Transaction Advisory in the CEE region
We help organisations successfully acquire companies in Central & Eastern Europe. Our practitioners work across many industries to provide bespoke services to our clients.
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Poland’s strategy & roles facing the market challenges in the Aerospace sector
Adam Zohry, Senior Associate at Mazars Poland, presents some thoughts on Poland’s Aerospace & Defence sector by focusing on its crucial pillars such as clusterisation, technologies, market incentives, or talent reserve.
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Mazars International Tax Conference 2017
Mazars, in collaboration with King’s College London, were pleased to hold Mazars 6th Annual International Taxation Conference exploring how the business landscape internationally has been shaped by the tax changes resulting from BEPS, US tax reform and BREXIT.
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Mazars International Tax Conference 2018
Mazars, in collaboration with King’s College London, hosted the 7th Mazars Annual International Tax Conference on 4 October 2018 in The Principal Hotel in London.
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Global Mobility Alert February 2020
On behalf of the Mazars & Praxity Global Mobility, we’d also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and insightful 2020! For 2020 we expect to see continued reshaping of the worldwide global mobility landscape. In the war for talent, many countries will continue to look for ways to attract expertise by introducing special tax regime, reducing bureaucracy.
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Mazars sponsors the annual Risk Management banking meeting in Rome
Mazars is proud to be once again a sponsor of the most important annual event in the Italian Banking Industry- Banking Union & Basel 3 – Risk & Supervision 2018- organised by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) on 14-15 June 2018 in Rome.
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Enabling middle market businesses to achieve sustainable success
Mazars organised a panel session jointly with The Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) dedicated to “Enabling middle market businesses to achieve sustainable success” at the European Business Summit on 24 May 2018 to mark the launch of their “Middle Market Leaders Lab”.
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Mazars sponsors USA-Europe Shared Services Summit & Awards
We are delighted to be a sponsor of the USA - Europe Shared Services Summit & Awards on 20 June 2018 in New York. The goal of shared services is all about growth – by outsourcing non-core activities, organisations can focus on opportunities like innovation, sales, new products, and acquisitions.
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Transforming water & wastewater
Today, we are lucky to have Léon Patrick Zerbib, US Partner at Mazars Zettafox, with us to shed some light on Zettafox’s solutions and technology, the services offered, and the value for our sectors and clients, particularly water utilities.
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Automating the finance function
In less than five years, taxis have been ‘uberised’. Now, robot taxis are currently being tested in Japan. New technologies are contributing to the emergence of new entrants to the market. This is true in our day-to-day life, and it can be seen in the world of business, which is undergoing a slow and steady, major (r)evolution.
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We work with organisations around the world and know what challenges and opportunities you face. We have written a range of articles to share our insight on how to successfully navigate the competitive and shifting business environment. The latest insight can be found below.
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How China is transforming shared mobility?
As a densely populated country, China’s enthusiasm for shared mobility is undoubtedly fuelled by necessity. But China’s involvement in EV and wider sustainable mobility developments so far, means it is not only putting its own stamp on future solutions but is also intent on leading the way.
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2018 Mazars Global Automotive Study
Mazars automotive expert community, together with the industry experts from IHS, are pleased to present the 2018 global study on sustainable mobility.
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Our Global Consulting Experience
At Mazars, we bring an extensive list of credentials developed from years of experience. We operate in a wide range of sectors with a strong commitment to serve our clients.
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Events in the Banking Sector
As a trusted and smart player in Banking, Mazars actively hosts, participates and sponsors a broad range of events in this ever-evolving sector.
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Robots and machine learning applied to finance
Robots have become part of our daily lives. We interact with them every day and give them our most personal data. But robots are not all the same and they don’t all raise the same issues. Just ten years ago, robots were used for ‘4Ds’ work, i.e. work that was dangerous, dull, dirty and dumb. With the advances made in artificial intelligence, robotics must address four new needs, the ‘4Es’: everyday, e-health, educational, entertainment.
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Mazars, Partner of VivaTech
Mazars is a partner for the second year in a row at Viva Technology, the global meeting place for technology and innovation. This third edition will be held from the 24th to 26th of May 2018 at Porte de Versailles in Paris.
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AfrikExpand: our matchmaking offering
We help start-ups and large corporations create win-win solutions. From Dakar to Nairobi, from Cape Town to Casablanca, tech ecosystems are booming. At Mazars, we are convinced that, in Africa more than anywhere, B2B tech startups and large corporations have a mutual interest in joining forces to accelerate their growth. Good news: Mazars can help you connect with the right partner across the whole continent.
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Afrik’Expand: our ‘business enabling’ offering
We ease your business set up locally then accelerate your expansion continentally. Whether you are a large corporation or an SME, Mazars assists you in setting up shop locally and accelerating your expansion across Africa.
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Afrik’Expand: helping businesses set up and scale across Africa
Today, an increasing number of companies show an interest in setting up and expanding in Africa, including “large” SMEs and start-ups (international and African). Being ranked 5th firm on the continent, Mazars can meet the needs of firms looking for expansion on the new frontier markets accessible in the 54 countries that make up Africa.
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Beyond the GAAP no.121 - April 2018
Again this month IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 take centre stage in our highlights as they are the focus of attention for market regulators and the Monitoring Board of the IFRS Foundation.