Results: 4135 user(s) and 2102 document(s)

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Growing your business

Whether growth is coming from geographical expansion, an acquisition or to keep up with increasing customer demand – we’ve been there and we know how to help.

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Running a sustainable business

Business sustainability represents resilience over time and robust businesses are intimately connected to healthy economic, social and environmental systems. These businesses create economic value and contribute to vibrant ecosystems and strong communities

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Succession planning

Thoughtful succession planning is an essential aspect to owning a business. Whether you’re identifying and nurturing the future leaders of your business or conducting an external search, planning is essential for both the business and departing leader

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Thriving through disruption

Whether you are facing technological, social or political change, or trying to figure out the right course of action in response to the Covid-19 crisis, our experts can help you stay one step ahead

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GDPR certification

Mazars has partnered with Europrivacy to provide companies with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance certifications. This is the first GDPR certification to be created since the launch of the GDPR four years ago, and has been authorised by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB). This certification positions companies as front-runners in data protection with a strong competitive advantage on the market.

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Setting Strategy

It's important to feel confident in your business strategy and its ability to deliver on your priorities. Our approach to strategic business planning is based on data, experience and a deep understanding of you and your business

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Setting the right direction

Whether you are looking to refine your business operations, improve financial performance or deliver on a strategic objective, setting the right direction is integral to helping your business achieve its goals while optimising long-term shareholder value.

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Global investment converges on CEE

Investors are coming from far and wide to strike M&A deals across the CEE region – taking advantage of political stability, skilled workforces and, competitive valuations. To see our full findings, go to ‘Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2019/2020’.

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Using Blockchain to Promote Trust in the Hospitality Industry

With data collection at the heart of AI innovation, the hospitality industry needs to remain compliant with increased regulatory scrutiny and engage with customers regarding any data concerns they may have. Many hospitality organisations already have several processes in place to deal with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into effect in May 2018. GDPR has impacted the collection and processing of European citizens’ personal data globally; yet, the increased use of AI adds a further level of complexity that needs careful management going forward.

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Winning over complexity

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Innovating ot thrive

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IFG Insights

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What is the future of Global Mobility beyond Covid-19?

23/06/2020 Covid-19 has made one thing very clear: international travel should not be taken for granted. In the global economy as we used to know it, businesses and individuals mastered the ability to ignore borders when doing business. International travel had become a normal part of our daily lives. The upside of being able to work in any location, meet clients face-to-face, would weigh up against the downside of travel time and costs. With Covid-19 closing borders, there became an immediate need to adapt our cross-border work perception. How does this impact companies with a global workforce? Is this the end of international business travel and assignments? What does the future of global mobility look like?

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DAC6 Brochure

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Beyond the GAAP no.144 - May 2020

There is no doubt that the preparation of the 2020 interim accounts will be particularly difficult this year. Properly reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the financial statements is certain to be the main subject of concern. Once again, this month’s COVID-19 supplement summarises the current issues to be taken into account, in particular the ESMA press release for listed entities.

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Majority of global investors seek deals despite Covid-19 but predict falling revenues and no return to normal until 2021

09/06/2020 Majority of global investors continue to seek deals despite Covid-19 but predict falling revenues and no return to normal until 2021, reveals Mazars’ survey

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Forecasting your financial performance in a time of crisis

A statistical analysis of market data to facilitate the analysis of the effects of COVID-19 on company forecasts

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Covid-19 and the world of private equity

08/06/2020 We have surveyed private equity firms and investors to understand the challenges, level of optimism and response strategies as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.

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Government intervention to restart the automotive industry: a global perspective

03/06/2020 Covid-19 has caused automotive factories to close and sales to slump. In response, governments have intervened in different ways around the world: in some countries policymakers have moved quickly to lessen the economic burden on auto businesses, while in others they have been slower off the mark. To gain a better understanding of the global outlook, we collected information from Mazars’ experts in Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, the UK and the US to learn about local government measures ranging from the relaxation of taxes to green vehicle subsidies.

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The restarting automotive industry: global measures, trends and outlook

The automotive industry has been hard hit by Covid-19, as lockdown measures closed dealership doors and shuttered factories and production lines around the world. As the industry cautiously gets back to work, we asked Mazars experts in seven countries about what’s happening where they are, how production and sales are affected by the virus and the government support that is available. What we discover is a challenging outlook for the industry as it restarts production amidst unprecedented local and global conditions and navigates varying levels of government support and intervention.

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The restarting automotive industry

As the automotive industry around the world comes to terms with the consequences of Covid-19 and begins to slowly return to work, Mazars experts around the world provide insights about the impact of the virus, government measures where they are and their views on what happens next.

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How multinational enterprises can get their taxes in order during Covid-19

02/06/2020 No aspect of a multinational enterprise (MNE) has been left untouched by Covid-19. Focusing on your tax affairs may not be front-of-mind at this time, but reviewing your obligations and fixing outstanding tax issues will help to stabilise your business and prepare for the future. In this article, four Mazars experts provide perspectives from Transfer Pricing, Corporate Income Tax, VAT and Indirect Tax, and Global Mobility, and outline key steps you can take to get your taxes in order during Covid-19.