Results: 4135 user(s) and 2102 document(s)
Jiří Šimek
Audit Partner, Head of Valuation Institute - Prague, Czech Republic
Magdalena Święcka
Senior Manager, Optimization & Innovation Dept - Warsaw, Poland
Zuzana Čmelíková
Leadership & Resilience Development Professional - Bratislava, Slovakia
Rose-Marie Östberg
Partner, Authorised Public Accountant - Helsingborg, Sweden
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VAT & indirect tax
Helping you carefully plan for VAT and indirect tax challenges and obligations.
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Private client tax
Bespoke tax advice for individuals, entrepreneurs, business owners and senior executives.
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National & domestic tax
Strategies and solutions to help you stay compliant in an evolving environment.
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Insight and innovation to guide you through today’s evolving global tax landscape.
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Corporate secretarial
Easing the burden on your business so you can focus on your core
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Financial performance of European banks in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
Interim reports offer an initial glimpse of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European banks.
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Legal support to help you effectively manage your people around the world
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Dispute resolution
Legal advice designed to minimise the impact of disputes on your business
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Corporate & commercial
Corporate and commercial cross-specialist support for different legal issues
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News & publications
You will find here Forvis Mazars news, publications and press releases.
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How Covid-19 related losses may impact banks’ transfer pricing policies
The still-undefined crisis of 2020 is different from the 2008 economic crisis. In 2020, the decision to temporarily shut down the economy was state-driven. In order to curb the financial backlash of the lockdowns, banks, and, more specifically, credit institutions around the world were required or fostered to issue emergency state guaranteed loans to businesses.
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Let’s Talk: a podcast about business in the time of Covid-19
17/09/2020 Mazars launches the Let’s Talk podcast, featuring global experts discussing how they have helped clients respond to the impact of the virus and get into shape for what comes next.
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The Time for Stewardship
08/01/2019 We usually think of stewardship as looking after property for others. While it initially meant taking care of minor tasks, the role of the steward expanded over time to include high stakes assignments such as managing and growing assets for the sake of others.
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Report: Time for Sustainability to be at the heart of business
01/07/2020 Is sustainability in business still a publicity or marketing initiative? Does financial profitability always have to come first. Read the latest thinking from European Business Group Leaders.
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The future of joint tax audits beyond Covid-19
17/09/2020 The current restrictions imposed by multiple countries to combat the Covid-19 pandemic have limited the possibilities for conducting external tax audits. However, the current pandemic and its consequences for the world economy highlight again that the number of internationally active companies is increasing. This has a significant impact on the future of tax audits.
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China’s New Frontier
24/01/2019 Urbanisation in China is having a "frontier" moment
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Leveraging the Value of Diversity
19/03/2019 What does diversity mean in the workplace, and how can we achieve it?