Results: 4136 user(s) and 2102 document(s)
Jiří Šimek
Audit Partner, Head of Valuation Institute - Prague, Czech Republic
Magdalena Święcka
Senior Manager, Optimization & Innovation Dept - Warsaw, Poland
Zuzana Čmelíková
Leadership & Resilience Development Professional - Bratislava, Slovakia
Rose-Marie Östberg
Partner, Authorised Public Accountant - Helsingborg, Sweden
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Water data analytics
Using data to gain a deeper understanding of your operations
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Risk assurance services
Using expertise, experience, and our network to enhance risk awareness
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Transformation and reorganisation
Improving your position so you can focus on your tenants
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CIO advisory
In today's fast-paced business environment, developing a comprehensive technology strategy is a challenge. Businesses must navigate a complex landscape of technological advancements and marketplace competition
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Real Estate Investment Trusts
Strategic advice to help you identify opportunities
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Digital transformation and innovation
A strategic, cutting edge approach to increasing efficiency
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Enterprise solutions
Creating a digital platform for organisation-wide innovation
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Digital risk, compliance and assurance
Build trust with a robust approach to technology, processes and controls
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Internal control
Improve your response to risks with effective systems and controls
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Cyber security consulting
Build technological resilience so you can operate with confidence
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Enterprise risk management
Embed a risk management culture into your business strategy
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Helping you create a resilient framework and culture that keeps you a step ahead of uncertainty
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Risk consulting
Tailored solutions for assurance and value creation in a changing world.
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Tax compliance and tax structuring services
Multi-jurisdictional tax planning for all eventualities
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Services for real estate users
A real estate strategy that meets your unique needs
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Organisational resilience
Future-proof your business through organisational resilience
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Cash flow & working capital optimisation
Valuable discipline even for healthy businesses