Results: 4136 user(s) and 2101 document(s)

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Trends in luxury automotive: how to compete in a changing market while staying true to your DNA

20/04/2022 The mobility sector is undergoing a period of transformation, and luxury automotive brands must stay ahead of the curve and ride the changes, all while remaining true to their DNA and brand identity. In the interview below, Emmanuel Thierry, Partner, Mazars and Peyman Kargar, Senior Vice President and chairman, INFINITI Motor Company, Japan, discuss evolving consumer expectations, emerging trends and challenges ahead for luxury automotive manufacturers.

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Manufacturing the future of mobility: a look behind the scenes

12/04/2022 Behind the scenes of well-known automotive brands are manufacturers building components to make the future of mobility real. These teams are responsible for automotive businesses designing tomorrow’s vehicles and shaping the sector’s next chapter. Below, Jeremy Rice, Managing Partner, Mazars discusses innovative partnerships and new safety measures with Alexander van Laack, President Americas, Faurecia Clarion Electronics – a global leader in automotive technology.

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Sustainable ownership: how mobility services redefine what we own and how we move

07/04/2022 New mobility services are changing the way drivers and passengers travel, prompting them to rethink ownership, business models and supply chains. Some brands are even going one step further by combining customer demands for sustainability with innovation. Veruschka Becquart, Development, Marketing and Communications Director, CaoCao Mobility Paris and Grégory Derouet, Partner, Mazars discuss the rise of Maas alongside the development of CaoCao and how it has tapped into customer tastes.

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Reinventing the wheel: driving conversations

The mobility sector is undergoing major transformations as it responds to evolving consumer expectations and demands for cleaner, more connected, and sharable mobility solutions. To shed light on what’s happening ‘on the ground’ as key players work to shape the future of mobility, we have created part two of our ‘Reinventing the wheel’ series, featuring interviews with mobility experts and senior executives from leading automotive players.

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The new cyber risk landscape

30/03/2022 The reliance of most businesses on technology and data is undeniable. However, as this reliance increases, so too do the risks around cyber security.

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C-suite ready to respond to trends and transformations ahead according to Mazars 2021 C-suite barometer

23 March 2021: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its 2021 C-suite barometer: Time for action. This report is the result of an in-depth survey conducted in Q4 2021, which took the pulse of over 1,000 executives from 39 countries around the world.

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C-suite barometer: outlook 2022

At the end of 2021, we surveyed over 1,000 executives around the world for our annual C-suite barometer. Emerging from the pandemic, leaders were optimistic. The resilience businesses showed in 2021 will undoubtedly be needed in the months ahead. Our study reveals leaders are investing and making commitments, especially around ESG, but there appears to be a gap between intent and implementation. Now is the time for action.

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Harnessing sustainability: its value in attracting new talent

15/03/22 The importance of employers holding sustainable credentials is becoming increasingly critical in the recruitment (and retention) of talent.

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Our recent deals

Take a look at our recent deals from around the globe. Our broad sector knowledge and the trust our clients have in our technical abilities and client service make us ideal advisers to see deals completed successfully.

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Financial advisory deals

Browse our financial advisory deals

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Financial statements 2020/2021

For the fiscal year 2020-2021, as ever, we are proud to publish our consolidated Financial Statements, jointly audited and presented under the International Financial Reporting Standards.

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Middle East

In the Middle East, Forvis Mazars draws on the expertise of over 1,000 professionals and 30 partners to support clients in achieving their goals and succeeding on their own terms.

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Supporting our people and clients facing the war in Ukraine

Since the shocking invasion of Ukraine by Russia two weeks ago, we have been working to understand and navigate the consequences of this complex and ever-evolving situation. The safety and welfare of our people and their families remains our highest priority.

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Beyond the GAAP no.163 - February 2022

While February 2022 has seen very little drama on the corporate reporting front, the current situation in Ukraine provides a stark and appalling contrast. Although the situation is changing rapidly, companies that close their accounts after 24 February must start thinking now about the impacts of these events and of the first sanctions imposed on Russia. For those whose reporting period ended before 24 February but that have not yet authorised their financial statements for issue, a non-adjusting post-balance sheet event may need to be recorded in some cases.

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Banks making headway on ESG and climate risk policies

11/03/2022 While gaps in data remain a challenge for fully assessing and quantifying climate change risk, 65% of banks now use climate scenario analysis for their risk management framework, according to Mazars Responsible Banking Benchmark Study 2021.

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Webinar | Adopter l'immatériel : comment les consommateurs chinois modifient leurs priorités d’achat

Les experts Mazars ont pris la parole lors d’un webinar dédié à l’évolution des priorités de consommation en Chine depuis la pandémie de la Covid-19. Évolution des biens matériels vers des dépenses plus expérientielles, quels sont les défis et opportunités qui émergent pour les marques grand public?

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#BreakTheBias on International Women’s Day 2022

Diversity & inclusion is a key topic on our agenda. We know value for our business, our clients and our communities is created by embracing different perspectives, empowering our people and bringing to the table varied backgrounds, views and skills.

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Webinar | From having to being: how China’s consumers are shifting their lifestyle priorities

Watch the replay of our virtual session revealing how Chinese consumers’ priorities in lifestyle consumption have shifted in the post-pandemic economic environment – away from material goods and towards more experiential spending.