Results: 4136 user(s) and 2101 document(s)
Jiří Šimek
Audit Partner, Head of Valuation Institute - Prague, Czech Republic
Magdalena Święcka
Senior Manager, Optimization & Innovation Dept - Warsaw, Poland
Zuzana Čmelíková
Leadership & Resilience Development Professional - Bratislava, Slovakia
Rose-Marie Östberg
Partner, Authorised Public Accountant - Helsingborg, Sweden
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CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter October 2022
Get a better overview of the most important changes in tax, labour, and payroll legislation in the CEE region.
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Report: Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women
The benefits of diversity no longer need to be proven. However, it is clear that gender inequalities persist, particularly in executive committees and among CEOs. This report, 'Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women: analysis and solutions', developed by Forvis Mazars in partnership with the Observatory for Gender Balance, is designed for leaders who wish to concretely advance equality in their organisation.
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Webinar: The impact of inflation on transfer pricing
The economic impact of inflation has considerable consequences on transfer pricing for multinational entities (MNEs). Combined with the Covid-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine, rising inflation adds further complexity to the management of transfer pricing policies for MNEs.
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Forvis Mazars partners with the Women’s Forum
As of October 2022, Forvis Mazars and the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society – a leading platform for transforming the power of women’s voices and perspectives into forward-thinking economic and policy initiatives for societal change – have officially partnered.
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Beyond the GAAP no.169 – September 2022
In September, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 16 on leases to clarify the subsequent measurement of a lease liability arising from sale and leaseback transactions where the lease payments are variable and not dependent on an index or rate. As requested by stakeholders, the IASB has ultimately provided no clarification on how to measure the proportion of the seller-lessee's retained interest in the asset. This issue of Beyond the GAAP presents the details of this amendment, which has been expected for several months.
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Mazars has received the Judges Award from the Global Payroll Association
Mazars was presented with the 2022 Judges Award from the Global Payroll Association
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Sustainability reporting in Asia
Are the EU’s initiatives the benchmark for ESG disclosure in the region?
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The impact of the economic crisis on transfer pricing
An analysis of the impact the economic crisis in 2022 has had on global transfer pricing.
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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°20 - September 2022
This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.
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C-suite: technology insights
23/09/2022 Earlier this year, we released our C-suite barometer, a report that captures the views of over 1,000 executives around the world. The study revealed that leaders expect technology and innovation trends to have the biggest impact in the coming years. In this interview, Asam Malik, Partner, Technology & Digital Consulting, shares his insights on the findings and how organisations are preparing for future disruptions.
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Mazars sponsors Ambition Africa 2022
Mazars is proud to sponsor the 2022 edition of Ambition Africa on 4-5 October 2022 for the second year in a row. Ambition Africa is a leading B2B event that reinforces the economic ties between France and Africa.
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Beyond the GAAP no.168 - July August 2022
The comment period for EFRAG’s public consultation on its first set of 13 draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRSs) closed on 8 August. EFRAG’s Sustainability Reporting Board, supported by its Technical Expert Group, now has to analyse the more than 750 responses received in order to submit the final version of its draft standards to the European Commission by next November. The EC will then adopt the final standards in June 2023 by means of a Delegated Act. The timetable for implementation by entities will be finalised by the adoption of the CSRD, which is expected by the end of the year.
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Zvýšte produktivitu vášho podnikania pomocou špičkových technológií v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a miezd
Škálovateľný a integrovaný proces v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a miezd, ktorý vám pomôže znižiť náklady a zefektívniť produktivitu
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Zvyšte produktivitu svého podnikání pomocí špičkové technologie v oblasti lidských zdrojů a mezd
Komplexní zpracování personální a mzdové agendy, které se přizpůsobí vašim potřebám, sníží náklady a zvýší produktivitu.
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Növelje üzleti hatékonyságát piacvezető technológiai megoldásokkal a HR és bérszámfejtés terén
Testreszabott és integrált HR és bérszámfejtési folyamat a költségek csökkentése és a hatékonyság növelése érdekében
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Marktführende Technologie für Ihren HR-Bereich und die Gehaltsabrechnung
Skalierbare und integrierte HR- und Gehaltsabrechnungsprozesse zur Senkung Ihrer Kosten und Steigerung Ihrer Produktivität
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Mazars BEPS & international tax newsletter n°19 - August 2022
This newsletter provides regular updates and insights on the OECD's BEPS initiative and ongoing international tax reforms.
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Zwiększenie wydajności biznesu dzięki wiodącej na rynku technologii w zakresie kadr i płac
Skalowalny i zintegrowany proces kadrowo-płacowy pomaga zmniejszać koszty i zwiększać produktywność
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Creșteți productivitatea afacerii dumneavoastră cu soluții inovatoare pentru procesele de HR și salarizare
Proces de HR și salarizare scalabil și integrat pentru a vă reduce costurile și a crește productivitatea
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Increase your business productivity with market-leading technology in HR & payroll
Scalable and integrated HR & payroll process to diminish your costs and increase productivity
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Webinar: Transfer pricing trends in Asia on 15 September
As the tax landscape continues to evolve, transfer pricing remains a top priority for multinational enterprises. In this webinar, our experts will present you with the latest transfer pricing trends in Asia.
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Meet our Financial Advisory and legal teams at IPEM 2022 in Cannes
20 - 22 September 2022 | Mazars looks forward to meeting you at IPEM 2022, at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes