Social Legislation in France

The world has become more global but investments remain local. When investing abroad for the first time, companies need to take different aspects into account including language, culture, ways of working, regulation, etc. To succeed today, a great product or service is no longer enough.

Market size and growth, talent and infrastructure available, business environment and ecosystems are some of the essential aspects to factor in when assessing challenges and opportunities before choosing the best place to invest.

For over 28,000 foreign companies, this place is France and it has been the case for several years for many of them, demonstrating that France remains attractive and that companies can still thrive in this country.

Mazars and Business France have partnered to share their knowledge and expertise with companies looking to invest in France to help them navigate the French business environment and understand the impact of the reforms that have been enforced recently.

 Please download the booklet for more details on social legislation including:

  • The most important labour reforms implemented over the past years
  • How social legislation acts as a safety net for both the employee and the company
  • How to negotiate in your company
  • The options available to support your business
  • How to organise your employees’ working time
  • Labour cost structure in France



Social Legislation in France
Social Legislation in France (French)

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