Mazars to Sponsor the SmithNovak ‘NPL Italy’ conference in Milan

Mazars is proud to announce we are a sponsor at SmithNovak’s Italian Non-Performing Loans conference taking place on 19-20 of June 2018 in Milan.
NPL Milan 2018

With an estimated 278 billion EUR of NPEs remaining on the books of Italian banks, continuing distress in the Banking system, increasing regulatory pressure and new signs of economic growth, 2018 is expected to be another year of record NPL transactions.

The 2nd edition of 'NPL Italy' will bring more than 200 delegates representing more than 100 companies including key Investors, Sellers, Servicers and Advisors operating in the booming Italian and South European Non-Performing Loans market.

For more information on the programme and to register, click here.

Event Details:

NPL Italy
19-20 of June 2018
Enterprise Hotel, Milan

Meet US!

Our expert, Chiara Del Prete will give a speech about NPE inflows, outflows and the stock and quality of UTPs before joining a panel on the 20th of June, addressing the following topics:

  • Helicopter view of the UTP market
  • Regulatory push for active management
  • Key challenges for deal making

Our experts from Italy, Greece, and the UK will also be joining the conference and look forward to meeting you. 

If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact them.

Contact Us

Want to know more?

Emmanuel Dooseman
Emmanuel Dooseman Partner, Global Head of Banking - New York, United States

Detailed profile