Mazars, proud "Green" partner of the 2019 Paris Peace Forum

From 11 to 13 November, Mazars will be attending the 2019 Paris Peace Forum held at the Grande Halle de la Villette. This will be an important occasion for our organisation to take part in the public debate around environmental issues. Originally initiated by the French President, Emmanuel Macron, this international forum aims to work on better global governance and suggest areas for improvement. This year, Mazars is proud to be a strong supporter of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Paris Peace Forum brings together over 6000 people, representing states and international organisations, but also NGOs, companies, development agencies, foundations, philanthropic organisations, religious groups, associations, think tanks, universities and civil society as a whole who come together to propose concrete solutions around six major themes:

  1. Peace & Security
  2. Development
  3. Environment
  4. New technologies
  5. Inclusive economy
  6. Culture & Education
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Our agenda:

Monday, 11 November

  • Mazars is attending the pre-inaugural cocktail

Tuesday, 12 November

  • Mazars is attending the opening ceremony with French President Emmanuel Macron
  • 10:45 - 12:00: Workshop: "I have a green" with Hervé Blazejewski, Partner in charge of the Energy sector and Julien Henault, Manager, Energy and Environment
  • 10:45 - 13:00: Peace Game Session, with Emmanuelle Sola, Consultant, Risk Advisory, Compliance and Ethics
  • 16:45: Roundtable: "Greenback and Green Bias: Getting Business to Support Biodiversity", with Siham Belhadj, Manager, CSR and Compliance

Wednesday, 13 November

  • Meet our experts at the Forum and on the mobile app.

Please discover the full programme here.

For any questions, you can contact Hanaa Trifiss at +33 (0)6 50 80 64 19 or by e-mail:

Register for the Paris Peace Forum

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