Mazars International Tax Conference 2015

Mazars, in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, were pleased to be holding a joint event exploring how the European Commission, OECD and UN were shaping the future of tax policy.

Tax Conference 2015

The day consisted of a comprehensive programme of panel discussions and break-out sessions. Timothy Woodthorpe, Head of Tax at GlaxoSmithKline, opened the discussion, followed by additional external speakers from the United Nations, the European Commission, Queen Mary University of London, and HM Treasury (UK finance ministry).


The detailed conference programme was:

Panel I

  • The European Commission’s role in changing the international tax landscape in Europe – chaired by David Sayers, International Tax Partner, Mazars (UK)
  • European Commission, DG Taxation and Customs Union (Belgium) (TBC): Fairness, transparency and efficiency – the future of tax in the EU
  • Dr Tom O’Shea, Queen Mary University of London (UK): Sweetheart deals – the end of the affair?

Panel II

  • OECD, G20 and UN role in changing the international tax landscape – chaired by Erik Stroeve, International Tax Partner, Mazars (Netherlands)
  • Fergus Harradence, Deputy Director of Corporate Tax at HM Treasury (UK): The UK view on OECD and G20 initiatives
  • Tomas Balco, General State Tax Counsel at the Ministry of Finance (Slovakia): What lies beyond the OECD; a UN perspective on tax treaties and transfer pricing
  • Professor Dr Patricia Lampreave, Complutense University of Madrid, International Tax Lawyer (Belgium): Does harmful tax competition still exist? (17 years on from the first OECD report)

Break-out sessions

  • Transfer pricing solutions post-BEPS in the UK, the US and China
  • Tax trends for global financial services in 2015/16
  • VAT challenges for the financial services
  • Tax and social security considerations in short term assignments

If you wish to receive the slides from the conference including the break-out sessions and should you have any queries please contact us.


Mazars International Tax Conference 2015- invitation.pdf

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