Backstage with Mazars at the Women’s Forum

From 13th to 15th October, at the International Centre of Deauville, Mazars took part in the Women’s Forum. Mazars’ stand was converted into a cosy, welcoming living room for the event; a perfect place to meet and greet.

A large settee and comfortable armchairs encouraged participants in the forum to come and meet the Mazars team, which was presenting the book ‘A women’s world, a better world?’ by Muriel de Saint Sauveur, Group Diversity Director. The book brings together the accounts of more than 100 women from 33 different countries and their visions of a different world; a world in which women have power. The participants could also view the book on the Android tablets provided or flick through the paper copies which were available on the bookshelves at the stand.

Mazars invited 4 of the women interviewed in the book to come and share their experiences on the stand: Loula Zaklama from Egypt, Noriko Carpentier of Japan, Soukaina Bouraoui from Tunisia and Brigitte Grésy of France. The opportunity to meet with these women (entitled “meet with”) was a great success. Participants had the opportunity to listen to the testimonies of our guests with a cup of tea in hand and in the most intimate of atmospheres.


Mazars also took part in Agora at the Women’s Forum on Friday 14th October with the debate “A women’s world, a better world?” Gender equality and performance”. This was led by the Executive Editor of the Herald Tribune, Alison Smale, Philippe Castagnac, Aruna Jayanthi, CEO of Capgemini in India and Michel Ladet, the sociologist and vice-president of Sociovision, who presented their experiences and points of view in front of an audience of around sixty guests. The definition of leadership and a comparison between the models of western and developing countries were the main themes addressed by our speakers.

With 12 Mazars participants and after 7 Mazars’ debates and meetings, which attracted a large and interested crowd to the stand, Mazars’ participation at the Women’s Forum, for the 5th consecutive year, came to a perfect close.

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