Supporting your leadership team in advancing gender balance in your organisation

Towards a gender balance roadmap defined and monitored by the Executive Committee. Do you feel you’ve already made good progress but have now reached a plateau? Are you particularly concerned about how women and men of different generations perceive your gender diversity programmes? Discover how Mazars can support your leadership team in developing a dynamic strategy to promote gender balance at every level of your organisation, while respecting the individual.

The challenges surrounding the advancement of gender equality are varied; it is up to the Executive Committee (ExCom) to identify these challenges and develop an action plan.


1. Improve business performance?


2. Be relevant to the market?


3. Comply with the law?

LEADERSHIP offre mixité

4. Attract top talents?


5. Strengthen ExCom leadership?

You are looking for a competitive advantage by developing a value-added product or service offering to support an IPO project, investment research, shareholder relations, etc.

You want your B2B and B2C clients to recognise themselves in your teams.                                                                                                   

You want to make sure you meet CSR requirements, ESG criteria and local laws (in France the Copé-Zimmermann Law, Rixain Law and Professional Equality Index, among others)                                                              

You want to enrich your brand with a gender balance approach that is beneficial to all, improving recruitment and retention, work-life balance, organisational dynamics, etc.

You understand the impact of the ExCom on the entire image of your organisation, the possible reputational risks you could incur and the importance of engaging the leadership team; and you want to go further and faster in advancing your gender diversity objectives, etc.

Once gender diversity challenges are shared with the ExCom, it can be difficult to decide on what objectives to set and which actions to implement amid the wide range of possibilities:

  • Objectives concerning gender balance in the overall workforce, the ExCom, management committees, promotions, pay rises, etc.
  • Targeted key actions concerning corporate communication, general employee training, the development of indicators, changes in HR processes, external communications geared towards attracting talent, etc.

Our approach to meeting your needs

The active role of leadership is key: aligning the leadership team with a development strategy that reflects your company’s challenges and culture is a prerequisite for sustainable progress.

Mazars supports your ExCom by enabling it to grasp gender diversity issues, recognise the related challenges and objectives, and then determine a roadmap based on existing best practices. In this way, the leadership team becomes the driving force behind the gender balance roadmap, thus ensuring that the approach is effective.

At Mazars, we have a highly experienced team of experts who have wide experience of clients’ successes and failures in their approach to gender equality, and who can help you drive the transformation towards a more gender-balanced organisation.

A team of Mazars partners (both women and men) who are experts in gender diversity and change management, will lead your organisation through one or more working sessions. On the basis of data analysis and individual interviews with each ExCom members, the leadership team will be placed at the centre of the drive to achieve gender balance, with a positive impact across the entire organisation.

Supporting you with our values and beliefs

  • In-depth experience of gender balance challenges experienced by managers and leadership teams, proven over 17 years in our work with companies on best practices for gender equality
  • Over 15 years’ expertise in change management, including human resources priorities
  • Capitalising on Mazars’ core businesses, including compliance, audit, data processing, diagnostics and business valuation 
  • Our distinctive Mazars approach and culture centred around people, and an ambitious internal gender diversity programme driven by the leadership 
  • A close relationship with a large French and international network of gender balance experts and corporate partners ready to share their best practices and experiences
  • A global offering and the ability to extend our services to all of the 90+ countries where Mazars operates

Mazars’ gender balance services

We offer tailored support to your leadership team through one or more inspirational working sessions, with the objective of:

  • Gaining a clear vision of the gender diversity situation within your organisation, compared to the market
  • Being clear on issues, obstacles and best practices as they relate to the advancement of gender balance in your organisation
  • Arriving at a roadmap driven by members of the team

The following steps can be taken to achieve these goals:


Carry out a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the gender balance situation within the organisation, compared to the market


Based on the assessment, explore the mechanisms known to promote gender diversity


Support the leadership team in defining the challenges and the strategy for achieving gender balance by taking ownership and leadership of the issue


Inspire and broaden the debate in cooperation with key speakers and company leaders who are committed to the goal of gender balance

Want to know more?